• You must make sure you are given a sticker when entering the selling area as this is your receipt and proof of payment. It must always be displayed on your driver’s side wing mirror while on site, otherwise, we may believe you have not paid!

  • Try to visit one of our sites before you wish to sell, so you can get an idea of how much people are selling similar items to yours for, and what you should take along to try and sell yourself.

  • If you have time try to price and label up your items before the sale day, or at least have a good idea of what you hope to get for them.

    No one pays the asking price, so add an amount to allow the purchaser to knock you down to somewhere near what you wanted in the first place.

  • Don’t sell off your best items too cheaply to the first lot of buyers, for they are most likely to be dealers. You may get a better price by waiting until the general public arrive a few hours later.

  • If a lot of buyers are already at the sale and gather around you as you are put into your pitch, don’t allow them to panic you into getting your things out before you are ready. If you feel pressurized, lock up your car and walk away. They will move on to the next car.

    Once they have gone you can get your items out at your leisure (they will come back to you).

  • We do not supply tables or clothes rails, most people bring along wall paper pasting or picnic type tables.

    Your pitch will allow you to set up at least two tables (normally more) plus a clothes rail. Remember, the better you display your items, the more likely you are of getting a buyer for them.


We hope you have a profitable and pleasant day.

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